- Performance 3500W, Bass 6x 500W (PWM), mid-range 300W analogue MOSFET,
- high-range 200W analogue MOSFET
- Phase Linear phase via FIRTEC(TM) and DMC
- Measurements W x H x D: 100 x 230 x 125 cm Weight: 250 kg.
- Radiation Angle (HxV): 60°x90°
- Frequency Range 22-22000 Hz (+/-3dB)
- Power Supply 230V +/- 5% 50Hz
- Input Analogue-In XLR-Symmetrical/+4 dBV
- Input Digital-In XLR-AES3 format for direct connection to digital source
- Signal Processing Digital signal processing with FIRTEC(TM) equalization, Time alignment,
- linear phase frequency cross-over unit, analogue controlled B & M-DMC bass chassis.
- Room Adaptation Direct location tuning with high and low shelving control. Room adaptation
- with optional FIRControl software and 3 PEQ filter + high and low shelving, delay, level.
Authenticity in Music
Millions of years of evolution have made us what we are today; audiophile beings! It is a widespread error to believe that visual information, the sense of seeing is the decisive sense. In the course of our evolution, thousands of times trained and improved, we have a highly developed and analytic sense of hearing that once saved our existence and continues to do so. Long before a life-threatening danger is visible, pre-historic humans could recognize and interpret a threat with the help of their hearing. Still today our hearing, together with our brains, can analyze a threat; determine its direction and distance, its size and direction of movement and much more. All of this within a fraction of a second! Thousands of years of training our hearing permits humans to extract information from the sound of a noise, as well as the timing difference of the signal’s arrival at our right or left ears. Expressed in numbers, the extraordinary resolution of human hearing astounds us. Our brains can determine an interaural time difference of less than 10 micro seconds when the sound arrives at one ear later than the other – for example, this happens when the sound comes from the side. This minimal timing difference permits our brains to determine the direction the sound is coming from with a precision in the region of degrees. Equally phenomenal is the dynamic range that our hearing covers.
As a reminder, the dynamic range of a CD recording is in the region of 90dB. However, the dynamic range of human hearing – the difference between the quietest and loudest perceived sound – covers a range of approximately 130dB. This translates to a difference in sound intensity of over factor 1 million between the lowest audible sound signal and the maximum volume that we can still stand. What I would like to demonstrate is that only with an absolutely accurate reproduction – without timing distortion or sound corruption - is our hearing capable of interpreting the entire information contained in the music and creating an accurate representation of the musical performance in our listening areas and living rooms. This knowledge continuously leads us to new developments that bring us closer to perfection. Only with audiophile care and sophisticated engineering will we be able to transfer the emotions that live music generates on the stage into our own homes. This knowledge is the reason why we continuously search – without preconceptions - for new techniques that can accomplish this, within both the analogue and digital worlds but above all, adaptable to every individual listening situation.
Johannes Siegler (Managing Director, Head of Development)

B & M | Form Follows Function
Differing acoustical living-rooms require different solutions. An authentic reproduction in a large room requires a completely different solution to a small room. Long listening distances require different systems to near field situations. Loudspeakers from B & M uncompromisingly follow these requirements in their size and design. As a result, the external design is a function of the sound creation process. Organic sound creation processes are expressed in organic cabinet designs.

No Taboos or Ideology
Within the family of loudspeaker products there are a number of different concepts that have been realized in order to secure an optimal reproduction adapted to the acoustic properties of the listening area. B & M loudspeakers perform in rooms of differing sizes and properties with appropriately selected solutions. Whether with the help of our own established cylinder wave emitters, horn technology, equalized with our digital signal processor or simply with analogue control, we seek the most suitable concept required to achieve an impressive and authentic music experience in your listening area. Just as if you were at a live performance!

BM Line 100 | The Bass Path
Organic processes require organic forms: This is also valid for the implementation of the bass jets. Powerful 12” chassis driven by neodym magnets create a wall of sound in the bass range within the BM Line 100. This is deflected over the jet shafts at the side, projected forwards, and formed. The up to 10 meter long bass waves are distributed over the entire height of the loudspeaker and create directional bass waves at their openings.

BM Line 100 | The Bass Jets
The bass jets frame the entire loudspeaker due to their position at the side. This design is functional and deliberate. The fundamental sound area in the middle of the L-shaped horn, as well as the richness of the high tone emitters, are harmoniously framed and integrated into a complete sound; even across long listening distances.
When viewed from the front, the clearly visible shafts on the right and left sides of the loudspeaker serve the reproduction of the deepest tones. These are generated in the vertical plane from inside the speaker. This is the most stable position since stability is a prime precondition in order to master these primeval forces. Only from the stable middle can oscillation-resistant bass be emitted through the bass jets.
From a technological point of view, this is an analogue control technique developed by B & M called DMC technology. This measures the movements of the bass membranes and then optimizes them for impulse fidelity and reduction of decaying oscillations. This results in a linear phase reproduction in the bass path.

BM Line 100 | The Mid-Range Horn
The large mid-range horn is fitted with ten 17cm midrange carbon chassis that are driven by a powerful 500W audiophile MOSFET amplifier. A phase plug in the chamber in front of every mid-range membrane forms the emitted sound and adapts the radiation impedance at the base of the horn; the horn throat. The sum of all phase plugs comprises the comb that, in turn, combines all the sound fields of the individual chassis at the horn throat.
The large mid-range horn is impressive through its dimensions alone. The horn throat opens with an area of 0.23 square meters. The horn mouth, in other words the front area of the horn, which delivers the sound into the listening area, covers 1.75 square meters. At 2.3 meters the height of the horn is equivalent to a frequency of 150 Hz, which means the horn’s dimensions are in the range of the wavelength of the emitted signals – an ideal situation for the reproduction from a horn.

BM Line 100 | The High-Range Horn
A newly designed cylinder wave emitting element takes over the transmission of the mid-/high wave band above 800 Hz. In co-operation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Mathematics we have been successful in developing a slit shaped emitter of the highest quality with an extremely powerful drive.
In a cylinder wave field, sound energy decreases by 3dB for every doubling of the distance, compared to a reduction of 6dB in a normal spherical wave field. This means that with the BM Line 100, the listening position is always in the near field, even in larger living rooms, which means the intensity of the sound in your ear is clearly influenced by direct rather than indirect sound. The result is that the influence the room has on the music is reduced to a minimum. An additional directional emitter further reduces reflections from the ceiling and floor. With an exactly defined impulse and sophisticated sound the resulting listening experience is completely different.

Spatial hearing
In the B & M Line series of speakers, system-induced peaks and troughs in the frequency and phase curve – distortions in the reproduction of sound or timing – are digitally equalized and therefore effectively prevented. These system induced errors occur due to the never ideal mechanical and electrical properties of the implemented chassis, cabinet edges and other physical parameters that obstruct an error-free reproduction.

The timely order of a signal as the sole genuine event
The way the FIRTEC™ Technology functions results from the knowledge that the human ear does not listen to amount or phase, but rather takes in only a continuous stream of information. Changes in air pressure across a time line arriving at each ear make up the entire information of the acoustical ambient. This includes volume as well as direction and spatial information
Our FIRTEC™ Technology separates the signal in bass, midrange and mid-high-range components and corrects the emitted music signal in such a way that the sound waves combine themselves to an accurate, complex sound event upon arriving at the listener’s ears. The impulse response of a system with such a frequency cross-over unit does not contain any phase distorted components and is accordingly extremely clean and void of overshoots. In addition and depending on the listener’s preferences, the loudspeakers can be optimized to the surrounding room and adapted with the help of filters.

Backes & Müller | The Developer
With our philosophy we aim to make the loudspeakers disappear, acoustically speaking. The entire musical event must detach itself from the speakers and establish itself, independently in a stable fashion in the room, only then can an authentic and emotional experience be transferred to the listener.
Loudspeakers are independent and individual pieces of furniture. Therefore they must be integrated into the living room and make their own aesthetic statement at the same time. Precisely for this reason every loudspeaker is also a work of art, not just because of its craftsmanship but also in the matter of its design and choice of material. An individual product specification according to the customer’s wishes is therefore a matter of course and requires a manufacturer with both a high vertical depth of construction and a complete solution solving competence in-house.

BM Line 100 | Finish und Style
Since the BM Line 100 is manufactured to order, naturally all combinations of finishes and material combinations are possible. Irrespective of whether in piano lack, high quality, real wood veneers or in stainless steel, all options are considered in cooperation with the customer and then individually manufactured by us.

Backes & Müller | Audiophile Manufacturer of Loudspeakers
Since the mid-seventies, Backes & Müller have constructed active loudspeakers “Made in Germany” in precision craftsmanship. From the very beginning our efforts have been focused on a genuine and authentic reproduction. This objective accompanies all of our innovative developments, past and future. With the assistance of solid engineering skills, their realization has resulted in international recognition and success. With the introduction of controlled active technology, Backes & Müller has made a technological leap and is presently the leading manufacturer of this kind of technology worldwide. With the introduction of digital signal processing we have been able to linearize the time structure for the first time, which is “the prerequisite” to reproduce a genuine virtual stage for the reproduction of sound.
All ideas, concepts, technologies and designs serve only one aim; the most true and uncorrupted conversion of the music signal into sound.

Backes & Müller | BM Line 50
„If the world has ever seen a perfect loudspeaker, then it’s this one.“
„This B & M comes close to perfection in the art of loudspeaker construction. Closer than I would have ever thought possible“
„An active, perfectly timed point sound source with horn dynamics - If the world has ever seen a perfect loudspeaker, then it’s this one. A revolutionary new concept…“
“The BM Line 50’s cylinder wave radiation eliminates most of the problems of listening areas. The result is breathtaking. The so-often demanded phase balance is a reality here.”
Quote and text excerpt; Malte Ruhnke Audiophile 1/2011

BM Line 15 | „A new era has begin“
“With most modern technology and high development outlay, Backes & Müller has created a superlative loudspeaker. A new era has begun. The sound from this active loudspeaker is nothing but sensational…. “
Quote and text excerpt. Stereo 04/2010

BM Line 35 | “A Revolution: Made in Germany“
“Almost no amplifier on the planet, irrespective of its power and speed, could drive and control the chassis of a passive speaker as uncompromisingly as the main amplifier in the BMLine 35 with its direct access and permanent live monitoring about what is really going on “up-front” with the chassis.”
Excerpt from Heinz Gelkings „Alles unter Kontrolle“ (“Everything‘s Under Control”) from „Das Lautsprecherbuch“ (“The Loudspeaker Book”)

Technical Specifications | BM Line 100